Am I the only one who loves a good roadside find? Or feels like a kid in a candy shop anticipating “bulk trash” day?
There is just something about someone else’s trash that gets my heart racing. It’s also a time when my better half wants to hide the truck keys, lock the garage door and offers to walk the dogs so I don’t come home with anything that doesn’t have four (furry) legs.
Last fall we were walking the dogs in the dark the night before “bulk trash day” and we passed a house with a big pile. My dearest wouldn’t shine the flashlight on any of it for me to see. My pup was sniffing around and ended up with a stuffed toy that squeaked. He proudly carried it home, like mother like son. It made me happy.
From the side of the road – Now a coffee table / storage in my sunroom
Here are a few of my Bulk Trash Finds. Not all of them need to be redone, some are ok as is. This lovely has been in my garden for probably 7 years. I love it.
Another find, I keep outside during the summer with plants and indoors in the winter, it’s time for another paint refresh. But so functional.
This beautiful set is still waiting on it’s first paint job. I get reminded every year but I don’t hate the rust 🙂
Sometimes people post on “Next Door” what they have to put out to create excitement and a feeding frenzy. Then there are those who put things out early because they know about neighbors like me. I saw this on FB Thursday evening.
I headed out on Friday to help set up for my niece’s bridal shower, and if my car hadn’t already been full I would have definitely filled it.
On my drive back in, when I was going 4 mph and looking everywhere but the road I spotted a hutch laying on it’s side (definitely not something I needed or had room for). When I got home our truck was gone – apparently a neighbor was walking up the street with a dollie to bring something home and Carmine offered his truck. When it came back, I asked if we could go get the hutch and he said no because our garage is full and not with cars. Sad face.
Look closely – do you think I need those wooden rockers?
Usually if you wait until Saturday morning to hunt, you are too late. There will be random people driving through with flatbed trailers trolling. I saw them as I drove in last night.
Of course this morning he left bright and early to head to NJ and called me to tell me about a huge planter about 8 houses up. Now we are talking. I mean who doesn’t always need planters from the side of the road. There’s already one in my house.
Unfortunately for me, I have cookies to bake and sangria to make for the shower today, so I’m going to have to wait for Fall Bulk Trash Day to restock. Maybe by then, the garage will have more room.
Update…heading to the shower, I was searching for the planter when I realized the hutch was still laying there on it’s back. I hopped out of my car and looked at it. I was in love. I had to have it. I was dressed for the shower, I had my son’s dog in the car and I couldn’t lift it myself even if it did fit in my car.
I got bold, I called one neighbor, they weren’t home, called another, they were walking the dogs. I offered up Carmines truck, told them where the keys were and they said if it was still there after the walk, they’d get it.
Fast forward to me driving to the shower, about 20 minutes out when my neighbor face timed me to see if he had the right house. It was still there!
He picked it up, brought it to my house and then delivered it to my front porch. Here it is. What do you think? I think I’m a lucky girl.
There is no shame in my game, because who doesn’t love a good repurpose or upcycle? Here are a few tips I use below. But in the meantime…how stunning is this?
Be Prepared
Time it right
Find it Friday – Put it out Saturday if you change your mind
Clean out a spot in your car
In case it’s too heavy to carry
Pretend you are on Flea Market Flip
You will think of something to do with it
When in doubt
Snag it
It’s amazing what some paint – a few screws – or some elbow grease will do. Tell me – what’s your favorite roadside find?
Happy Scavenging. XO, Regina
Oh my goodness, yes! I love your hutch/potting shed! It’s perfect on your porch. My favorite roadside find is a very large glass doored cabinet. At least that’s what I thought it was but the more I looked at it I believe it’s actually the top of a hutch – I’m not sure if someone took the bottom before I found the top but I somehow convinced my husband to help me get it with his truck. It was on the same street we live on! I couldn’t believe it. Now it has a place of honor in my enclosed breezeway, it’s filled with my rug hooking wool and books. I just love it. The second favorite was a farm table – again, not far from our house. It’s not a vintage one but I’m hoping to make it look like a vintage one soon! Jan in MA
You are my people, Regina;) And I think our husbands should get a 2 for 1 for junker’s husbands counseling! LOVE the cabinet and the statue is stunning.